Saturday, October 5, 2013

Munnar Bhai

The long drive from Athirappilly to Munnar was spiced up by a couple more waterfalls and some skilful near-misses as we ascended the steep hills of the Idukki district. Reminiscent of the drive to Minali many years ago, I was grateful that these were hills rather than mountains allowing the morning's poori-masala to stay inside me. It was very nice, but not that keen for a second taste.

That's disgusting, Prashant. 


I am now in the vicinity of the hotel having lunch at a nearby restuarant. Munnar seems very cool so far. A lot of interesting plantations of mainly tea, but also cinnamon, eucalyptus and others. These vast crops on the hills were the makings of highly picturesque landscapes. So much so that there were spots labelled "View Point" on the way up! Apparently a lot of Chennai Express was shot in Munnar and Shah Rukh Khan stayed in a hotel called Silver Tips very close to mine!

I did some exploring in the evening and found the tranquil and eye-soothing Hydel Park (opposite of eyesore?). People call Munnar a Green Paradise, and so far it seems fair. Tomorrow is a full day of sightseeing. Surely tea plantations can't be that exciting? Find out after the break.


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