Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Big Beach Adventure

(Written 20.00, 11.10.13)

After yesterday's disappointment of a beach, I set out for Kovalam beach bright and early this morning. I took a bizarre 2km heritage walk (which felt a lot like trespassing) to Chowara junction, where I got a bus to Kovalam junction. Holding on to the bus was quite a nice arm workout. Another 2km walk later, I reached Kovalam beach and it looked much more appealing. Unfortunately a serious storm was brewing, and before I knew it the precipitation had hit. It actually made for quite a pretty picture! Not a great day for getting brown though. 

Well... Actually it was! The sun melted its way through the clouds and the storm subsided after about an hour. Half of the beach had black sand and half white, and the Arabian Sea was a soothing blue. I met a couple of very funny Goans who worked in shops along the beach, and claimed that this sight was nothing compared to Goa. For 25 rupees I got the opportunity to climb the Vizhinjam lighthouse. Great view and not too dissimilar in feeling from a rollercoaster - holding onto a rail, legs dangling off the edge (they made us take our chappal off) and strong winds smacking me in the face! (While thinking about the rollercoaster similarities, I realised it was actually more similar to a tower-drop ride. As a consequence of this realisation, I decided it was time to remove myself from the lighthouse!)

The journey home was fun! I missed several buses and tried my best to get run over. Reversing the walking route I had taken in the morning from hotel to bus stop proved quite difficult in the dark! Strangely, I felt some relief as I began to hear the booming voice over the loudspeakers meaning I was nearly home. But as it got louder the relief faded and the 1984-esque fear resumed! Funny how a two-night hotel can seem like home after what felt like a big adventure. A highly entertaining last day of the Kerala tour!

As I write this I feel that I have not captured the adventurous nature of the day effectively, and it seems as if I simply got the bus to town, chilled out and cried like a little baby all the way home. Possibly the truth.

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