Monday, October 14, 2013

Homeward bound

(Written 12.00, 13.10.2013)

Having rushed this morning with fear of missing the flight, I am sitting in the airport with a two-hour window before I can look out of an aeroplane window. No complaints - as discussed in blog post number two, missing a flight does not appear to be a good time.

I'm not going to sit here and write a long essay reviewing my trip because that would roughly entail copying and pasting all of my previous blog entries into a new one. Shall I do that? Nope. But I will say that this has probably been my most interesting trip abroad (not just because it was the longest!). It has been memorable for so many different reasons given the highly varied nature, but particularly for the things I have learnt through visiting historical places, reading and listening to knowledgeable people. During this travel chapter, the ups and downs encompassed in "real life" were non-existent. Let's see if that was just the holiday feeling or some of these readings have filtered through. 

Two-and-a-half weeks until the cows become kangaroos! 

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