Friday, November 1, 2013

Round 2 begins:

Welcome back folks.

The trip began in similar fashion to Prashant vs. World Part 1 with a nice panic about catching the flight. That being said this panic was far more severe, arriving at Heathrow just one hour before departure time! Maybe that means this trip will generally be a more intense version of Part 1? Hopefully. I still had the nerve to record myself telling an apparently poorly constructed joke. Better luck next time.

From Dubai to Singapore our first plane failed with a ruptured wall. We landed on a rescue island and then boarded the backup plane. This "safety plane", however, ended in an emergency water landing making use of the inflatable slides! I must say vivid dreams of plane crashes whilst sleeping on the plane are not ideal.

Since catching Heron-science-enemy (a.k.a. Mr Shoban Rahulapaskaran or buddy old pal) at the airport, I have attended three people's birthday celebrations (all of which were highly successful surprises), been awoken by the loudest thunder I have ever heard ("welcome to day one of monsoon season"), and seen some pretty spectacular city sites at night around the marina. The "heart of Singapore" so far seems like a smaller but more spaced out version of London, with some architectural influences from Sydney (based on third-person viewing of the Opera House). Big day of exploration tomorrow for first impressions to be validated or diminished.

(Please refer to Facebook for a photo of Shoban and I fashioning our best photo-smiles in front of Marina Bay if interested.)