Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oompah Kuala Lumpur

After touching down in Malaysia bright and early this morning, a good day of exploring has left me finding KL very interesting thus far. It seems to have a great variety of happenings from the bustling Petaling Street Market to the tranquil Jamek Mosque surrounded by coconut trees at the intersection between the Klang and Gombak rivers. There was also some history in the day such as visiting a majestic Mughal building, which sits near to the flag where independence from the British Rule was announced on 1953.

My exploration of KL today has also made me appreciate how impressive it is that Singapore is so ridiculously sophisticated despite only being a 35 minute flight away. Singapore appears to be growing on me like algae in a tropical fish tank. Weird.

Fun reaslisation: I am the devil when it comes to haggling with street vendors! So many broken hearts, so little time. Sad face slash happy face.

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