Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sydney Beans and On

(Written Wednesday 13th Nov. 07.30)

As I wait for my connecting flight to Cairns, it is occurring to me that I am realising my one dream holiday destination since childhood. AUSTRALIA! The clouds of Singapore are a memory - the sun is up and my excitement for this chapter of the trip is starting to build. Each time I hear someone speaking I immediately think they are commentating on cricket!

(Written same day 21.30)

I have been here for less than half a day and I can already understand the attraction people have towards "working holidays" for extended periods of time in Australia. So far people have been very friendly and there is just a strong holiday feel in the air! The hostelling world is cool, with "hostel meals" available at various restaurants (well, one so far) and it almost feels like restarting university! Like Singapore, the Cairns Esplanade seems like the place to lepak. It is a lagoon near a small beach with a lively California-style street running alongside it. That seems like the ideal place to hang out for Spring Break! 

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