Sunday, November 17, 2013

Scooby Doo and Sharks

(Written 14th November, 22.15)

Woahhhh! I have just finished my first day of diving. The whole day has been awesome, but the highlight certainly was the night dive! Exploring the Great Barrier Reef in the black of the night with only a torch? That was unique! I felt like I was James Bond! While at the beginning of the day I thought we would run away crying if we saw sharks, it turned out that we actually went looking for sharks! The night dive sightings included five reef sharks and a massive sea turtle sleeping in a cave. Earlier on I saw a strange octopus in a hole, a Moray eel, and a bearded cuttlefish (amongst of course a bunch of Nemos and other colourful fish)! The bearded cuttlefish flicked into a different colour when we got near it, which was very cool to see. A day in the life of a diver seems very appealing: eat, dive, eat, dive, eat, dive, have banter and then sleep! While you're not in the water, you're catching some rays under a beautiful blue sky. 

I also seem to be meeting some very cool people along the way now. My instructor, Ned, is a crazy stereotypical Aussie. I have been hanging with a couple from Texas (where the 22-year-old guy plays proffesional baseball for the Minnesota Twins) and another couple (one Mancunian and one Parisian) who are just roaming the world indefinitely! The Texas couple seemed to think that British people are all about crumpets, tea and red buses - pretty accurate! I returned with "Is Texas all about shooting Mexicans crossing the border?" Apparently that does actually go down in the deep south! Bedtime on the boat now and another three dives tomorrow. The Australia travels have started with a bang for sure.

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