Sunday, November 3, 2013

Exploration @Singapore

(Written Saturday 2nd November, 19.00)

I have just returned after a long day of world exploration. I saw India (Little India), I saw China (Chinatown), and I saw New York (Brooklyn Bridge?). It seems that Singapore is an amalgamation of several cultures, leaving a Singaporean culture a bit of a misnomer in my eyes. Little India closely resembled a generic unattractive part of India, and Chinatown looked a lot like London's Chinatown. Of course I had to bag myself some Ma Po Tofu (when in Rome... eat tofu?)! Not one hundred percent sure, but about halfway through I started feeling like the sauce was meat-based, so my mouth said leave it. I don't think Singaporeans believe in vegetarians!

By taking an excessively long walk from Bugis to Chinatown I seemed to cover a lot of the towns. This part of the day was not very exciting. Singapore seems like possibly a good set-up to work and live, but not built for tourism. I did return to Marina Bay in the afternoon though, and so far I think it's all about that place! It's a really cool place to explore and chill, and it seems to be home to everything: the financial centre, an unbelievable hotel (with an incredible swimming pool in the sky!), a really flashy shopping mall and some decorative flower gardens - quite like Canary Wharf.

Now to see how these guys party... Shoban's 2nd birthday celebration!

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