Saturday, November 23, 2013

Brahman Beef?

After another fairly long but relaxing coach ride, we settled at The Old Station cattle farm for the night. This was a part of the trip that the group did not believe in at first, but with open minds it turned out to be a great setting for the evening. The ranch was 26,000 hectares in area, and despite it effectively being a slaughterhouse, I found the operation highly impressive! The cattle seemed to be very well looked after and I began to understand the appeal of farm life. The species was called Brahman cattle! I didn't get around to asking them about this, but that felt a little ironic to me given the purpose they were serving. The evening's entertainment included whip-cracking and karaoke. 

For me:

As we pass through Australia, I am trying to absorb as much as possible about the business behind the various industries prolific in the country. 

- Australian farmers get no subsidies for during low production times, which is why this particular farm has diversified to tourism. 

- Australia is the third largest producer of sugarcane in the world. 

- Not Australian, but I spoke in depth with a Project Manager at Apple, and their ideas about producing in-house PM techniques rather than following the standard seem pretty backwards. Similar to keeping a unique charger, this type of arrogance could hold them back in the future. Let's see.

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