Monday, December 23, 2013

Brokeback Phone

Blogwise, I have disappeared off the face of the earth because my phone has given up on me after being abused by volcanoes, glaciers and the likes. I had written up some draft posts on there awaiting WiFi, so I think I will have to leave their publishing until I get home and get my phone fixed. This means there is a gap at this stage that includes:

- Culture and adventure in Rotorua
- Lake Taupo and Wellington
- Abel Tasman National Park
- Franz Josef Glacier Heli-Hike

It also means there shall be no photos attached to the blog. Oh well... I think my phone breaking halfway through the travel is almost part of the classic experience so maybe it's a good thing. Funnily Bhavesh's phone also broke down around the same time, and it seemed that the two of us were crumbling to a tribal (i.e. non-electronic) mess!

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