Monday, December 2, 2013

Surf Camp

After much confusion as to which of our stops actually contained Surf Camp, we drove into Mojo's Surf Camp in Coff's Harbour and all was clear. In appearance it was a quirky little village of containers near a nice beach. We were soon receiving our surf lesson and getting psyched for hitting the waves. Grabbing the boards and running out to the water felt like living the Australian dream! The surfing itself was very tricky and to we were literally just hitting the waves to start with. Improvements were made and some people had some pro wave-rides leaving most of us gazing in awe, but it really was as fun as it looks! 

After the surfing, we went back to camp and lived the surf camp life for the evening. There was music blaring, we were served a massive jacket potato and later we chilled around the bonfire. The resident surfers were really relaxed and cool. Like the diving in Cairns, this is another awesome lifestyle I reckon I could get used to! 

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