Monday, December 2, 2013

Sydney #1

(Written 01/12, 07:48)

Wednesday (27th Nov)

On the back of the rough and ready setup at surf camp, we cruised into the architecturally astounding Sydney (smooth and not ready?). The sight of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House did not disappoint! 

The first night was fairly relaxed although we did spend a short while in a backpackers' club called Scary Canary, where I heard the best music I have heard in Australia so far. 


The next day we toured around Sydney representing Contiki (the tour company) to the maximum. I don't think I have captured the powerhouse of a cult that Contiki is! At the beginning of the tour they played us our group's song ("Everybody" - Justice Crew) on the coach and told us we would love it by the end. And surely enough, we did all bond over that song playing every single day! The coach rides down the East Coast were long but a lot of fun, and by the end we all had Contiki in our hearts! Quite surprising given how apprehensive I was at first! 

I digress, but that needed a mention. After our coach tour of the city, we headed to Manly Beach. We chilled, we surfed, we ferried back. That night was the tour's last supper (a really nice restaurant called Stacks) and a fun night out at World bar, where cocktails are served in teapots. 


The next day's excursion to the Blue Mountains made for spectacular scenery, and the cool crisp fresh air was much appreciated after very little sleep that night! A few of us had our final bonding over a park bench hummus and pitta bread lunch, and forty farewells later, the tour was done. Although it might have been nice to have a little longer to chill in some of the places, the tour was a pretty special experience and overall a good way of seeing the East Coast.


The next and final day of Sydney #1 was full of iconic Sydney entertainment with Harshiv: lunch at The Opera Bar, a stroll around the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Harbour Bridge Climb and a visit to Sydney's best whisky bar (Baxter's). The Bridge Climb is severely overpriced, but is a truly unique experience. With the vast amount of old steel (52,800 ton) and the towering height over the water, it felt like walking through a rollercoaster! The whole procedure of getting in a jumpsuit, connecting all the required attachments, and then the actual climb to the 140m-high summit (about 1000 steps) made it feel epic. 


I am now sitting in the airport awaiting my flight to Auckland. New Zealand is meant to be better than Australia? This should be fun. 

Fun Facts:

- 16 people died in construction of the Harbour Bridge. Given that none of them had harnesses, it is a surprise this number is so low!

- The initial cost estimate for the Opera House was $7m, but it ended up costing $102m! 

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