Monday, December 30, 2013


(Written 12/12, 16.33)

Yesterday we travelled a long journey from Rotorua to Wellington with a stop at Taupo for a few hours. Lake Taupo and the Huka Falls made for a tranquil walk, and we were particularly amazed by the ridiculously bright blue water colour. We attempted a night out in Wellington, but it was one of those nights that never really reached its potential. The most interesting people we met were some kids that came third in the Young Enterprise Nationals on the way back to the hostel! 

Today we have travelled from Wellington to Blenheim so far, en route Nelson. This included a nice ferry ride down the Cook Strait between the two islands, but a less nice faulty coach at the ferry terminal in Picton. This means that we are currently three hours behind schedule, and that this has been a seriously long travelling day!

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