Tuesday, January 21, 2014

State of Emergency

Interesting. A State of Emergency has just been declared in Bangkok in accordance with the escalation to violence of the anti-government protests! There have been a couple of explosions and a few night-time shootings in the last week since the 'shutdown' in Bangkok begun. No one knows whether the violence is by the so-called 'corrupt' government or from the protestors' side. The State of Emergency means that the police can arrest people without charge, ban group gatherings and make certain zones off-limits. The last time I read the words 'State of Emergency' was in Nelson Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom! 

I was always planning on keeping a low profile for these final two-or-so days in Bangkok, but I think I shall now just hide out in the hostel (beside collecting my suit)! Luckily, the hostel is exceedingly nice for a Thailand budget accommodation and there seem to be friendly people here. According to the reports and people's experiences, most tourist areas are unaffected, but I believe it is not worth the risk on the final day of my travels! It only really means not seeing the Grand Palace, and I think I have already seen more spectacles than I can absorb during this travelling spree anyway! 

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