Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 1 at the Big Brother House

(Written 16/09/2013 22.48)

After a tiny panic about getting to the airport on time through the storms (but mostly the traffic), the rest of the journey to India went off without a hitch. Standardly sampled some overly strong drinks and pasted my arms in aftershave in duty free before heading to the gate. We reached the gate 20mins before scheduled flight time, as we observed what could have been with a man missing his flight at gate 22 next door. 

Watched a good film (Kahaani), ate a pretty nice dinner, fell asleep for "a couple of hours", then awoke pretty baffed to breakfast and just one hour til arrival at Delhi.

Knock-out (KO) all the way in the car to Karnal apart from a brief stop at our standard Dhaba for some parathas, paneer pakoras and a tea "with halka meetha" (less sugar). They lied. 

We arrived at the house in Karnal, and the familiarity was good. Pretty chilled day after that. Papa (grandad) gave me a book on meditation by Osho (Meditation - the first and last freedom), which was surprisingly relevant. It focuses on meditation as awareness and unattributable joy. Papa then sat me down to practise speaking some Hindi, which was well overdue! 

It has occurred to me that I might have written far too much for such a non-earth-shattering day, but somehow it felt significant. Safe.

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