Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lily flowers and melatonin tablets

The last two days slid away without any blog updates because the most significant aspect of my time in Karnal (Haryana) has been the learning. That may sound supremely pretentious with hints of banditry, but that is the way it is at present. There has been the shopping for pots and pans, trying to find the best garam masala in Karnal, and getting the tailor ("master sahib") to adjust everything possible on a suit, but these activities are worthy only of being the subjects of a tricolon.

The readings and discussions that have comprised the aforementioned significant learnings have revolved around spiritualism and being at peace within. Ironically, I am now relying on melatonin tablets to get to sleep these days with peaceful lily flowers aggressively racing around my mind! 

Ok so this was basically written for a GCSE English Literature class to meet their syllabus requirements. 

1 comment:

  1. Also, except the large ass pan of oil (putting me off slightly), I could so eat those jalebi!
    'Peace cannot be kept by force; but only achieved by understanding' :)
