Thursday, September 19, 2013


Similarly to the behaviour of baby penguins when mama penguin leaves the nest early to catch the morning fish, sister and I took the parent-free opportunity to have a lie in (Attenborough, 2011)

The other "key event" of the day has been captured in slightly blurry fashion below. After giving Papa 7/10 on his efforts to learn to email on the iPad, Di (sister) and I received 5/10 and 3/10 on our Hindi-speaking efforts respectively*. Thanks. 

That will be all. 

*Di's 5/10 was rather unjust, but the 3/10 for me was fairly generous. (Fun fact?)


Attenborough, D. (2011), Frozen Planet, the one where the polar bears were filmed in London Zoo, but he pretended it was the flipping North Pole.

1 comment:

  1. You should be concentrating on improving your Hindi high score, not Fruit Ninja!!
