Monday, September 23, 2013

Delhi stop #1 (Son-day)

(Written 23/09/2013, 11.30am) 

The morning unravelled with a level of leisure that is only really excusable on a Sunday morning in real life. Not mine! Di departed fairly early to return to said real life. 

My cousin and I were planning on heading to the currently "most happening" venue in Delhi that evening.  However, amongst the newspaper articles about dubious political activity and stories of missing people, lay the day's most disheartening piece of news that the club had been closed for a few days due to some environmentally unsavoury behaviour! My cousin went on to say that this was a scam, which was his opinion on pretty much all government activity in India! 

Later in the day, we visited Akshardham temple after advice that it is more impressive than Taj Mahal. Now I haven't been to Taj Mahal, but I can't recall seeing anything more intricately decorated than Akshardham in my life! Even the information buildings surrounding the main temple were comprised of flawlessly detailed carvings. The base of the temple was made up of a series of majestic elephant carvings, with equally impressive designs within the marble upwards from the base. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but since I was neither allowed to take a camera inside, nor do I have the thumb-stamina to write a thousand words, I think this will have to suffice. Although highly impressive, I currently have a big question mark in mind as to whether it is appropriate to build monuments, particularly religious ones, like this while a third of the world's poor population sits in India. 

I learnt a lot about working life in India, and it now makes sense why so many more people that you come across in India have their own businesses (however small and obscure), compared with England. The salaries and working conditions when working as an employee in India just don't seem to lead one to a chilling life. This may be inaccurate, but it's the impression I am getting.  

Ok so slightly off track, but all this was a big part of Delhi stop #1. We also went to the cinema, which was fun. Two pretty jokes observations: 1. people will gladly talk on their phone during the film with their outdoor voice, and 2. the cinema people do not care one smidgen about the placement of the intermission in relation to the film - it was mid-word!

Cruising down GT road on the way back to Haryana. This may actually have been a thousand words. 

1 comment:

  1. They say that by using his enormous wealth to construct Taj Mahal the Moghul king ridiculed the love of poor people. Wonder what structures such as Akhshar dham are aimed at!
